Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Straight Allies are so important!

God bless, Keith Olbermann! He asks the very important question to people who voted for Prop 8..Why does this matter to you? What does a committed gay relationship do to threaten you and yours? Why deny someone the right to confirm their love and be protected in the eyes of the government. I think Prop 8 is a threat to the sanctity of marriage and straight people should beware! When you ban gay marriage, you also hurt other rights of non-married straight individuals. Look to Ohio and read the laws closely, thanks to the passing of another anti-gay marriage act. I think everyone should send Keith Olbermann love letters and thank him for his very honest commentary. Please watch below: He has no close gay friends, no touching stories of the Homo....and then he quotes the Golden Rule. Keith Olbermann, thank you for your support. Thanks to Ronckytonk for sending me this link.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rainbow InFLUence

Brothers and Sisters,
We are now living in the times where it is very apparent that many groups of so-called "Christians" and other Right(wrong)-Wingers are coming together en masse to block every attempt we make to come together in civil unions and marriages. Every road to having recognition of our relationships is being bulldozed and I, for one, am sick of it. We live in a society where we are guaranteed the separation of Church and State by our CONSTITUTION, that wall that separates these two entities is being torn down, brick by brick. Marriage is a civil union that can be performed at City Hall so WHY is The Church even getting involved? I believe if The Church doesn't want to marry Homos within their religious dwellings, fine! Don't marry us, but it is absolutely crazy that they (and a host of others) can step in and block us from being recognized in civil ceremonies. If Billy Bob and Sally Sue can skip the church and go down to City Hall and be joined in Holy (or unholy, take your pick) Matrimony why can't Rasheed and Jose, Jill and Wanda or any consenting adult to another consenting adult? It really is a simple question that no one can answer...and save the Bible defense! We are ALL made in His or Her image regardless of skin, gender or orientation. Anyone who has ever met a homosexual or transgendered person and has asked him/her is it a choice? I'm sure the answer is a resounding NO! I love being gay. I enjoy all the wonder that it brings into my life as an adult, but being a gay child can be HELL and no one would chose the constant harassment and abuse that we are sometimes assaulted with because of who we are attracted to!!!! I see my homosexuality as a gift from God...yes, the G-O-D (or Allah, or Buddha or whatever you deem to call your Diety). Being Gay has made me a better person, a better son, a better brother and has granted me access to a world full of vibrant, lovely and fun people.
With that being said, Brothers and Sisters, I say we all come down with a case of the Rainbow Flu! On December 17th, all of us that are working, in whatever profession, don't show up to work. If we are not valued members of this society then we should remove ourselves from it for a day to let everyone know that beyond being "Here and Queer and get use to it" we become "Here and Queer and a damn important part of society and should be treated as such!" (I know, it's not as catchy but it serves its purpose). When nurses, doctors, lawyers, pilots, servers, hairdressers, ACTORS and everyone in between suddenly get the Rainbow Flu and don't show up to work, our voices will be heard. When we stop commerce, we we hit people in the pocketbooks, only then will they understand. And if it doesn't work, I say we keep doing it until we are heard! We start with the Rainbow Flu and then we get "infected" in other areas. Our "green" money will only be used in the places where we are welcomed, in recognized relationships, as full members of society and WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS!
Brothers and Sisters, the only way this can work is if we all come together and join in the fight! We have to stand as one, show the world how many of us are really out there and the positions of power we hold. I will keep posting but please show your support by passing this on to your friends, family and others that want equality for all and not for some!!!